Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lesson 3

Driving down the highway today, Josh brings up a rap song from the late 80's and acts appalled that I don't know what song he is talking about. Josh being Josh, he pulls up the song and plays it.  I still had no recollection of it, so he starts reading something about it to me.  I can't remember what he was saying, but he did read the word "interpolated". I immediately asked what that meant. So, for today's thing I learned, it is what is interpolation. 
Since the context we stumbled upon the word is music, I focused on learning that definition. Basically interpolation is when a piece of a song has not been approved to be part of a later recorded song, so the new artist simply uses the melody from the prior song, but strictly in his or her own voice. A very common pair of songs that this is prominent in is "Ghetto Superstar" using the melody from "Islands in the Stream". Take a peek over here for more info
That's all for today...keep on learning!

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